Time, talents and money


One of the ways we can show our faithfulness, love and thanks to God is by giving our time, talents and money to support his Church.


There are very many things that need to be done in a church and plenty of volunteers are needed, for example, servers, people who get the church ready for services and wash the altar linen, sidesmen and women who welcome people to services and give out hymn and service books, people who sing in the choir or lead the prayers or read the readings, people who clean the church and polish the brass and silver, flower arrangers, people who keep the churchyard tidy, bell ringers, people who deliver things in the parish, such as church Christmas cards and Christian Aid envelopes!  Then there are more official jobs, such as churchwardens and the church treasurer.  We can support the Church by volunteering to give some time and use our talents for some church work, and there are many things that children can do to help.

Whatever jobs we volunteer to do and however much we enjoy doing them, we should always remember that we are doing them for God, as acts of love and thanksgiving.  So we should be reliable and do everything as well as we possibly can.

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