Faithful unto death - Page 2


In essence sin is self-centredness as opposed to God-centredness, that is, it is any attitude of mind and will whereby one organises one’s aims and desires and general way of life in separation from God.  Therefore in the midst of living in the world, the Saints devoted themselves to putting God, in place of self, as the effective centre round whom their lives revolved.  To him they surrendered their minds, their hearts and their wills, and they accepted him as the true owner and director of their whole life.

Some of the Saints, like the hermits, were called to achieve this re-orientation of their lives by shutting themselves away from the world to be alone with God.  In solitude they disciplined their bodies with asceticism of the severest kind, maintaining their fellowship with their Christian brothers and sisters only by constant prayer and intercession for them and by giving spiritual counsel to those who sought them out.