Generosity and sacrifice - Page 4


And those two elements of sacrifice and generosity are also united in the Eucharist, that unique act of worship which sums up and comprehends the whole Christian religion.

For in the Eucharist our Crucified and Risen Saviour presents us with himself to his Father as his own people for whom he gave his life; and then in Communion he goes on to give to us himself, so that, made one with him, we may become as he is.  So in the Eucharist he transforms his gift of our daily bread into the gift of himself in order that he may thereby transform us into the likeness of himself.

Thus the two threads are drawn together in a single pattern: his generosity in the harvest which declares his goodwill, and his dying on the Cross which reveals his love are together united in the holy Bread of eternal life which enshrines his Body once crucified, but now risen and ascended and for ever glorified.