Joyful worship - Page 2


So the joy of the shepherds, after they had seen the Saviour of the world in the manger at Bethlehem, was centred on the Person of the Divine Jesus.  And their joy, like that of the Wise Men, was the true spirit of worship.  As the Wise Men fell down and worshipped the Saviour King, the shepherds returned glorifying and praising God

There was nothing formal or conventional about the attitude of either.  The simple, unsophisticated shepherds went back to their work up the hillside, singing not only with their mouths but in their hearts.  In seeming contrast we have the Wise Men’s solemn and dignified presentation of their gifts in the manner prescribed by court ceremonial: but the meaning and sincerity of their act of worship may be measured, not only by their exceeding great joy at the reappearance of the star, but also by the length of their journey and the bitter winds and cold of the nights as they crossed the deserts.