The Star of Bethlehem - Page 2
Their camels were saddled and, carrying their precious gifts, they began the most exciting journey of their lives. And as each night fell there was the star burning brightly in the distance ahead, calling them to press on with all speed. And so, travelling by night and resting by day, they crossed the desert sands until at last they rested their camels at the gate of Jerusalem. Their journey they thought was ended and they prepared to stay a while in this city in the hills.
Although they were honourably received by no less a person than King Herod himself, nevertheless when they learnt that Bethlehem was their journey’s end, their intention to remain in Jerusalem was at once set aside. They mounted their camels once more and guided by the star came to the house where the Christ Child was. There they fell down and worshipped him, and when they had opened their treasures they presented to him their gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh – gifts which symbolised the offering of themselves.