The Transfiguration and the Sunday Communion - Page 4


Just as at the Transfiguration Our Blessed Lord withdrew himself with his chosen few to a high mountain apart, so Sunday by Sunday at the Eucharist he calls us to step aside from the busy world to be alone together with him and with his Father in heaven.

Our church and its altar become our Mount Hermon.  Just as the noise and bustle of the world, though it surrounded Hermon yet could not invade its solitude, so God’s House standing in the midst of a troubled and restless world, has within its doors a tranquillity which is its own.  And here, where the bustle and cares of daily life, if not unheard and unfelt, are muffled and dulled, we company with Jesus and open our hearts in peace to him and to his Father.

Here in the Eucharist we join with our Crucified and Risen Saviour in offering to his Father that perfect Sacrifice of himself which he made upon the Cross and now eternally presents on our behalf to our Father in heaven.  For here the seen and the unseen, the earthly and the heavenly, become one.  Here the outward forms of bread and wine enshrine the glorified Body of the Risen Christ, and he is truly present in our midst upon the altar, and within the inmost being of each faithful communicant.