Worship, not speculation - Page 5



And there are two other facts revealed to us about God in Holy Scripture which give to our worship, first its moral character, and secondly its spiritual vitality.

The one concerns his absolute perfection: “…God is light and in him there is no darkness at all” (NRSV, 1 John 1:5). The other points to the doctrine of the Trinity without which it would have no real meaning. That second fact is, not that God is loving though that is true, but that “God is love…” (NRSV, 1 John 4:16, our emphasis), that he is in himself absolute, infinite and eternal Love.

But love necessarily means the love of one person for another and therefore eternal love is the love of a plurality of Eternal Persons within the Being of God – that mutual love which is for ever given and received within the Trinity and which overflowed into the Creation of the Universe, and the redemption of the world, and the sanctification of believers by the Three Persons in One God.