The Lord's Body - Page 5


A prayer of thanksgiving for the gift of Holy Communion

Dearest Jesus, we thank you for the most precious gift of Holy Communion – your risen, ascended and glorified Body.  May we never take this gift for granted.  Help us always to prepare as well as we can, and to receive you with reverence and love.  Change us into your likeness and bring us unworthy sinners to share in the never-ending joys of Heaven.

“O Christ, whom now beneath a veil we see,
may what we thirst for soon our portion be,
to gaze on thee unveiled, and see thy face,
the vision of thy glory and thy grace”. (1)


1. St Thomas Aquinas (13th century, trans. Woodford, J.R. 1852) Thee we adore.  Available from: (Accessed 10 March 2012) (Internet).

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