Up to the brim - Page 3


So too with our daily prayer for others.  Besides those whom we know personally, there are so many people whom we hear about, and whom we cannot help directly and who need helping.  But we can help them by praying for them.  We may see no result, but they will, as we ourselves have done when others have prayed for us.

And then there are our Communions.  No one surely should be content with communicating less often than every Sunday.  If we could really grasp what a wonderful and precious gift the Blessed Sacrament is, surely we would want to do so.  But just because the gift is so great, being nothing other than Our Lord himself in his ascended and glorified Body, we should always approach the altar well-disposed to others, and with penitence and faith towards God.

These are all elementary Christian duties by doing which we can assure Our Blessed Lord of our friendship with him.  As he said, “You are my friends if you do what I command you” (NRSV, John 15:14, our emphasis).  And Holy Church joins his Blessed Mother in bidding us, “Do whatever he tells you” (RSV, John 2:5).