The Inseparables - Page 6


One thing we know: when we have recourse to her for her assistance, we always have the assurance that our voice is heard and that her prayers go out at once to God on our behalf, the true Mother praying for her children.

And that is an additional incentive for us to pay her our love and devotion.  For in so doing, not only do we give to her holiness the recognition that is rightly due, and not only do we fulfil Our Lord’s will by following his own example, but we also express our personal gratitude to her for all she has done and still does for us.


1. Thirteenth century Latin, trans. various.  At the Cross her station keeping. Available from  (Accessed 15 August 2015) (Internet).

2. Ken, T. (1637-1711) Her Virgin eyes saw God incarnate born.  Available from:  (Accessed 17 August 2015) (Internet)

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