To be with him - Page 3


But their real preparation consisted in “being with him”, getting to know him personally, listening to his teaching, seeing his miracles, being moulded by his influence.  One has to live with people to know them, and they lived with Jesus.

From four of the great prophets of old – Amos, Hosea, Isaiah and Jeremiah – the Apostles had learnt of God’s righteousness, his compassion, his holiness and of the personal communion with him that is possible for the individual soul.  In Jesus Christ the Apostles saw all of these features perfectly, not approximately, expressed.

Thus his integrity was total.  He was not only absolutely true and just in all his dealings, but absolutely true and just in himself, to the entire exclusion of all pretence, all self-seeking, all wavering.  There was in his character a complete unity, wholly free of contradiction or conflict.  It was “woven without seam throughout”.