Christian Rule of Life - Page 5
Rule of Life
1. To be present at the Eucharist on all Sundays and other special Feasts, Festivals and Holy Days.
2. To say my morning and evening prayers, and Grace at meals.
3. To mark the Church’s days of discipline and self-denial.
4. If confirmed, to go to Confession before the great Feasts and especially before Easter, and at other times as necessary.
5. If confirmed, to make my Communion on Sundays and on the great Feasts.
6. To support the work of the Church with my time, talents and money, and to do my part in helping to draw people into the Church.
1. ©The Archbishops’ Council (2000) Common Worship. Rules for Regulating Authorized Forms of Service. Available from: (Accessed 21 August 2010) (Internet).
2. ©The Archbishops’ Council (2000) Common Worship. Rules for Regulating Authorized Forms of Service. Available from: (Accessed 21 August 2010) (Internet).