Prayers to the Saints - Page 4
Our patron saint
You should also have a patron saint of your own. If your name is also the name of a saint, you can choose him or her. Otherwise you could choose a saint, perhaps St Peter, or St Catherine or St Francis. And in your morning and evening prayers ask your patron saint to pray for you: “St Catherine, pray for me”. “St Francis, pray for me”.
Our Guardian Angel
You should also in your morning and evening prayers ask your Guardian Angel to look after you. Just as God uses our friends here to help us, so he takes care of us by means of our Guardian Angels. Each of you has a Guardian Angel whose duty is to keep you safe. This doesn’t mean that nothing unpleasant will ever happen to us, but it does mean that our Guardian Angel saves us from many more dangers than we realise. Our Guardian Angel is a good and faithful friend to us, and should be treated as a friend and not a stranger. We can do this by thanking our Guardian Angel in our prayers for looking after us, and you can say this prayer: “Dear Guardian Angel, thank you for looking after me. Please keep watch over me this day”, or “this night” if it is the evening.
1. The prayers of holy people have more effect than those of others. The prayers of the Saints in Heaven, therefore, have the greatest effect because they are the holiest of all. They see God face to face and so know him better than any others.
2. That is why in our prayers we should ask them to pray for us, and especially should we ask Our Lady and our patron Saint. We should also every morning and evening ask our Guardian Angel to look after us.