He descended into Hell - Page 3


Hell, Purgatory and Heaven

Hell, then, is the place where unrepentant sinners are who do not love God and do not want God. 

In Purgatory are all those who love God but are not yet ready to live in his visible presence.  These we call the Faithful Departed, and that is where we hope to go when we die.

In Heaven are those who, having become perfect, now see and live with God for ever.  These we call the Saints.


1. During the past 300 years the word ‘Hell’ has changed its meaning.  In the Creed it means the place of the dead, but now it means the final place of unrepentant sinners.

2. Sin is a state of separation from God.  Hell is that state of separation made permanent, a place where God is unfelt, unseen and unwanted.  That is why it is a place of misery.

3. People go to Hell of their own free choice and even God cannot save anyone against his or her will.


1) St Augustine of Hippo (354-430) Confessions I(1). Available from: http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/110101.htm  (Accessed 16 November 2010) (Internet).

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