The Church Militant - Page 3
Never giving up the fight
It is for us, in the power of Jesus, always to stand up for what is right and true and fight against what is wrong and false. Remember, however strong our temptations and trials may be, and however often we fail, yet we shall win through in the end if we keep up with our prayers, go regularly to Communion and always come quickly back to God in sincere sorrow for our sins, asking his forgiveness and trying not to sin again. The power of evil may be strong but, with the power Jesus gives us, we can be stronger.
1. Jesus is King of kings and he defeated the Devil on the Cross. The Devil could never recover from this defeat and in his good time, God will make all things new and sin and evil will be no more. But in the meantime the Devil, who wants to rule the world, still fights against God.
2. The Devil tries to draw people away from God, but Christ’s Army, the Church Militant (Fighting) fights to bring people back to God.
3. We join this Army at our Baptism when we become soldiers of Christ. Through the power which Jesus gives us in our prayers and the Sacraments, we also can beat the Devil.
1. ©The Archbishops’ Council (2006) Common Worship.Holy Baptism.Available from: 19 November 2010) (Internet).