The Church, the Society of God - Page 2


Purposes of the Church, the Society of God

Our Lord founded the Church for two main purposes. 

To love and worship God

The first is the same purpose for which you and I were made – to love and worship God.  So with the rest of the Church we come Sunday by Sunday and show our love and thanks to God by offering ourselves and Our Lord to him in the Eucharist.

To save souls for God

The second purpose of the Church is to save souls, that is, to rescue people from the power of evil and to bring them to know, love and obey God so that in the end they may live with him for ever in Heaven.  The Church works to save souls for God by teaching and the Sacraments:

  • teaching: the Church teaches the Truth about God and about what he has done and is still doing to save us.  That is why in every church building there is a lectern where the Bible is read, and a pulpit where the Christian Faith is taught.
  • the Sacraments: We often find it very hard to love God and live the kind of life which he wants us to live.  So the Church gives us the living power of God, that is, grace.  The chief means by which we receive grace are the Sacraments of the Church.  It is the grace of God which helps us to love God and to become like him.