The One Church on earth - Page 3


The One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church

In more recent times the word ‘Church’ has been applied rather loosely to all sorts of organisations.· So in order to know whether they are part of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church we need to remember that the One Church, even though divided, shares certain features.· Here are some examples.· Members of the One Church:

  • all have the same Scriptures and Creeds;
  • all accept the writings and decisions of the Early Church;
  • all have the same three-fold Ministry of Bishop, Priest and Deacon
  • all have the same seven Sacraments;
  • all regard the Eucharist as the great act of worship;
  • all churches are built with the altar as the most important part;
  • all keep the same seasons and festivals of the Church’s Year

These things are part of the Church’s true inner unity.