Ninth: You shall not bear false witness - Page 6


The Christian’s rule

This is what our rule should be.  Tell the whole truth and speak kindly of others.  If we cannot speak kindly of others, it is better not to speak at all.  So we shall not go far wrong if we are both truthful and kind in all we say.


1. Lying means saying, writing or acting what is untrue in order to deceive.

2. Evil-speaking means saying nasty things about other people.

3. To slander or bear false witness is to tell lies about people in order to injure them.

4. We should be both truthful and kind in all we say.


1. Church of England (1662) The Book of Common Prayer.  A Catechism.  Available from:   (Accessed 20 August 2010) (Internet).

2. Church of England (1662) The Book of Common Prayer.  A Catechism.  Available from:   (Accessed 20 August 2010) (Internet).

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