Preparation and thanksgiving for Communion - Page 3


Preparation of the body

Lastly, we must prepare our bodies.  The chief way we do this is by fasting, that is, going without food as a preparation for receiving the Food of the Blessed Sacrament.  We should fast for one hour before making our Communion.  We can drink water or take medicines but should avoid all other food and drink.  People who are ill need not fast at all before receiving the Blessed Sacrament unless they wish to.

Besides fasting, you should also prepare your body by making yourself clean and tidy.  You should clean your shoes and make sure your hands and fingernails are clean.  You should also make sure your hair is brushed or combed, and that in general that you look your best for Our Blessed Lord.

By properly preparing our souls, our minds and our bodies, we make sure we receive the fullest good from our Communion, and we also do honour to Our Lord.


After you have made your Communion, spend your time in telling Jesus of your love for him and in thanking him for giving himself to you in the Blessed Sacrament.  During the day recollect his Presence in your soul, and speak to him from time to time, and remember in your evening prayers to thank him once again.  For in Holy Communion we receive our Maker, our Saviour and our God who comes in his Ascended Body into the very centre of our being.  “I am the living bread that came down from heaven …and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh…Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them” (NRSV, John 6:51,56).