The Seven Sacraments - Page 4
In the statement in the Catechism that there are two Sacraments only, “as generally necessary to salvation” (1), the word ‘generally’ is used in the sense of ‘for all’; just as the general weather forecast, as distinct from the regional forecast, is for all parts. Thus, though it is not necessary for salvation that one should have received, say, the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, the Sacraments of Baptism and of Holy Communion are necessary for all, where they may be had.
Where they cannot be had, the Church recognises:
a Baptism of Blood, that is, when a martyr for the Faith, though not yet baptised, is regarded as being baptised in his blood;
a Baptism of Desire, that is, when a convert to the Faith dies before he or she can be baptised;
Spiritual Communion, when one is deprived of the ministration of the Church.
Thus God, in his love and goodness, looks after us from infancy and childhood to youth and manhood and womanhood, until at last we come to the end of our life. All through our life he is at hand, by means of the Seven Sacraments, to keep us safe from sin and to unite us to himself. In this way our souls, made in his image, are changed by him into his likeness so that one day we may be able to see him and live with him in Heaven and so reach our true journey’s end.
God looks after our souls from the cradle to the grave by means of the Seven Sacraments. They are:
Holy Baptism (usually in infancy)
Confirmation (as we begin to grow up)
Reconciliation/Penance (regularly all through our life)
Holy Communion (regularly and often throughout our life)
Holy Matrimony (“till death us do part”)
Holy Orders (for those called to be bishops, priests and deacons)
Anointing of the Sick/Holy Unction (for sick and dying people)
Church of England (1662) The Book of Common Prayer. A Catechism. Available from: (Accessed 23 August 2010) (Internet).