The Christian Faith
This section of the website provides more extended teaching on larger content areas, such as the Creed and the Sacraments. It begins with Introduction·to the Christian Faith. More content will be added in due course.
The section entitled Short Talks comprises stand-alone talks and articles on different aspects of the Christian Faith, including the teaching of Jesus, the seasons of the Church’s Year and Feasts and Festivals.·
Forgive us our trespasses
When God forgives us, he takes our sins away and treats us as if we had never sinned at all. We see this from the Parable of the Prodigal Son, which also teaches us what we have to do to get God’s forgiveness.
As we forgive them
The unmerciful servant (Matthew 18:21-35)
One day St Peter came up to Jesus with a question he wanted answering. “Lord”, he asked, “how often must I forgive my brother if he wrongs me? As often as seven times?” (Jerusalem Bible, Matthew 18:21). Peter must have thought that his seven times was very generous, but Jesus told him, not seven but seventy times seven, meaning, times without number. And then Jesus explained what he meant by telling Peter and the other Apostles a story, the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant.
Lead us not into temptation
The story is told of a London boy who could never understand why it was that, in the Lord’s Prayer, we pray, “And lead us not into Thames Station”. Of course, as you know, what it really says is, “And lead us not into temptation”.