The Christian Faith

This section of the website provides more extended teaching on larger content areas, such as the Creed and the Sacraments. It begins with Introduction·to the Christian Faith.  More content will be added in due course.

The section entitled Short Talks comprises stand-alone talks and articles on different aspects of the Christian Faith, including the teaching of Jesus, the seasons of the Church’s Year and Feasts and Festivals.· 


God the Son


When Jesus was 30 years old he left Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and started to go round the different towns and villages teaching the people about God.  It was not long before news of him spread far and wide to parts of the country where he had never been.

Read more: God the Son

God the Holy Spirit

The Apostles before Pentecost

Let’s take our minds back to a night long ago in Jerusalem.  It was the night of the full moon, and in a little garden on the slope of the Mount of Olives called Gethsemane, though the moonlight streamed in, under the olive trees there were great patches of dark shadow.  There Jesus waited with his disciples.  Judas had been to the chief priests and was now on his way with an armed gang.

Read more: God the Holy Spirit

The Jewish Church

The word ‘church’

Some words have different meanings.  Take, for example, the word ‘school’.  If I said to you that the school needed a new roof, you would know I was thinking of the building.   If, however, I said that the school was getting up a concert, that would mean the children and young people, including you.

In the same way the word ‘church’ can mean either the building or else the Church people.  Over the next few weeks we shall be thinking about the Church as the People of God.

Read more: The Jewish Church